
Why Workflow Automation is the Key to Job Happiness

Miranda Nicholson
August 22, 2016
Min Read

Are your employees happy? If you can say yes, great. If your answer is no or you don’t know, you’re in trouble. Today's workforce is filled with people who have no trouble switching jobs—as much as four times in 10 years—if they're unhappy with their employer. A lack of employee retention can be a costly mistake for your business, so you need to find ways to keep your employees happy. One way to improve employee empowerment and happiness is through workflow automation. Workflow automation opens up more time for employees to focus on the important work they enjoy by automating repetitive administrative tasks. According to a study done by ADP, 55% of modern employees feel positive about the replacement of repetitive work with automation. Thinking about joining the automation bandwagon? Here are 3 reasons you should:

1. Your employees will feel more efficient and less stressed.  

Using email or paper to handle your organization’s important processes is a sure way to lose information and halt progress toward reaching company goals. Automating your workflows will help your organization run more efficiently and eliminate headaches. Online forms are one great way to create automated processes for your team. By having people submit requests and feedback through a form, you can easily manage the information they provide in one place and route it to other people or departments. You can even set up workflows with other apps that you already use and love. For example, if your company uses Google Sheets to manage spreadsheets, you can connect your forms to the app to automatically pass submitted data into predetermined spreadsheet fields. This can save your team a ton of time on moving information from one place to another since your forms can do that work for you. All that saved time will equate to happier and less stressed employees.

2. Your employees will be able to focus on more important tasks.

There’s nothing more frustrating during a workday than not getting your biggest to-dos checked off your list because of all the smaller tasks that get in your way (like project approvals or miscellaneous requests). Repetitive tasks can become overwhelming and keep you from making any real progress on bigger projects. But not if you automate them. By setting up smaller tasks to be completed automatically, your team can dedicate loads more time to the rest of their to-do lists. With Formstack, you can use a feature called Approval Workflow to set up automated workflows for processes like PTO requests and project proposals. For example, when someone submits a PTO request form equipped with Approval Workflow, the request is routed to the relevant managers and can be approved or denied directly from their email. It’s a fast and efficient way to get more work done!

pto request form template

3. Your employees will feel empowered to finish more work with less oversight.

Employee empowerment is key to creating a happy and successful team. But your employees won’t feel empowered if they can’t get any work done and are overshadowed by the presence of overbearing management. Use workflow automation to let them accomplish more without the need for oversight. Being able to set up their own effective workflows will let them accomplish more tasks and gain more confidence in conducting projects independently. Integrating online forms with the apps your company already uses is a great way to quickly streamline processes. Send submitted contact information to your CRM, update email lists with new subscribers, collect payments, and more. Online forms provide endless possibilities for successful workflow automation.

Formstack is chock full of features that can help you enable workflow automation for your organization and create happier employees. Click here to check out our Workflow Automation page for more information.


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Miranda Nicholson
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